Change WordPress Login Page Logo Url

How To Change WordPress Login Page Logo URL?

WordPress is an interesting platform which gives you the freedom to do the changes. You can even change the default appearance of the whole CMS.

A few days ago, someone asked to change login logo and now people are asking how to change WordPress login page logo URL.

In this article, you will see the perfect guide which would make you understand the concept of logo URL.

Let me put some light on that.

When you open the login page of your website and you take the cursor to the default WordPress logo, you would notice that the logo URL is heading to the

What Would You Do To Change That Default Logo URL?

As you know that in the WordPress theme, the functions.php file is responsible for handling all the functions. You have to edit this file.

Just go to cPanel and open the file manager, search for the wp-content folder and then themes folder, you would find the name of the theme and the functions.php file inside that folder.

You can directly edit this file after logging in to the WordPress admin panel, just go to appearance>>editor>>functions.php.

Open this file and add the code in it.

add_filter( ‘login_headerurl’, ‘new_custom_url’ );

function new_custom_url($url) {

return ‘’;


As you can see, I have created a new function and then return the value as the URL of my website.

NOTE:- You have to replace the URL with your website otherwise it will be redirecting to BloggingLove.

To check whether it’s working or not, you have to take your cursor to the WordPress logo and in the left corner, you would notice the URL.

The URL is replaced with the URL of your website.

Isn’t That Easy To Change WordPress Login Page Logo URL?

Make sure that you know the proper way to add custom code in WordPress. Most of the people get the syntax error when they copy and paste the code in the theme files.

In most of the cases, people add the code in the functions.php file and due to lack of technical knowledge they break their theme.

In the above code, no PHP tag is included because your theme file would already consist it. And if it doesn’t then you can add the PHP starting and ending tags around the code.

You can directly add the PHP tags and put the code below all the codes present in the file.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Great post Ravi, It is really a cool tips to change the WordPress login page logo. However Some of the premium themes allow you to set the logo for login page like Sahifa etc. I think it will be helpful to those who are novice in coding.

    1. Hye Vishwajeet,

      Changing the logo can be really useful. But here, you would get to know about the URL of that logo. I am sure, people would love to know about it.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    I have done it long ago using a plugin called add logo to admin, but good to know the code for it. Its good to use a simple code snippet rather than using a full plugin that put more burden on the server.

    Good Tip.

    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Hey Atish,

      Not just you, most of the people are after the plugins. Even I used to find for the plugins in my starting days. But you know that using the code is a far way better than a plugin.

      Thanks for your dropping by.


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